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FAQs About Contacts-Related Fungal Eye Infections

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Your contact lenses wearing habits could possibly lead to the development of a fungal eye infection. An infection can have serious consequences. At its worse, you could have permanent vision loss. If you wear contacts, here is what you need to know about infections and how to prevent them. 

What Infections Can Occur?

There are a number of fungal eye infections that can occur, including microbial keratitis. The infection results in an inflammation of the cornea. If left untreated, you could suffer from damaged vision. 

You can also experience conjunctivitis, or pink eye. Pink eye causes the white part of your eye to become inflamed. You can experience a range of symptoms, including itchiness and discharge. 

If you experience any signs of fungal infection, it is important that you seek help immediately. Although the signs can vary by condition, there are some similarities, such as light sensitivity, pain, redness, and discharge. 

How Can You Avoid an Infection?

There are several rules to keep in mind when it comes to wearing contact lenses, but the most important to remember is that good hygiene is crucial. Always wash your hands before you touch your contacts. Your hands can be a transporter for bacteria and other pollutants that could lead to the development of an infection. 

After washing your hands, thoroughly dry them. Wet hands can be a breeding ground for harmful bacteria. In fact, you need to keep water away from your contacts. Never wet the contacts with water and avoid swimming while wearing them. 

You also should avoid sleeping in contacts. When you sleep in contacts, the oxygen supply to your eyes is stifled. As a result, your eyes are more vulnerable to any bacteria that gets into your eyes. If you do opt to wear contacts that are designed for sleeping in, dispose of them at the recommended time to avoid problems. 

When it is time to remove your contacts for the night, clean and dry their case first. Never reuse the cleaning solution or top it off when you place the contacts inside of it. As time passes, the solution becomes less effective and offers less protection from bacteria. 

Consult with your eye doctor to find out other ways that you can avoid developing a fungal eye infection from wearing contact lenses. The doctor can also help determine which brand of contacts would offer the best protection and features for your eyes. 

For more information, contact an eye clinic near you, such as Glacier Eye Clinic.
