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Why Does Your Vision Seem Blurry In The Evening?

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Have you noticed that once the sun goes down, your vision starts to seem blurry or fuzzy? There are a number of possible causes of this symptom, some of which are more serious, and others of which are rather innocuous. It's important to figure out why your vision seems blurry so that you can get the treatment you need and avoid any more serious effects that might be down the road.

Eye Surgery

Have you had eye surgery in the past? The blurry vision you experience at night may be a side effect of the surgery. Often, after vision correction surgery or cataract surgery, your eyes will overreact to bright lights in an otherwise dark space -- and this can be perceived as blurriness. Check in with your surgeon to make sure you're healing properly. If it has only been a few weeks or months since your surgery, there's a good chance this symptom will improve overtime. But if it has already been a year or several years, this side effect may be permanent. You might just have to find ways to deal with it – like avoiding driving at night and using lower, more glowing lights to illuminate your home at night.

Vitamin A Deficiency

If you don't get enough vitamin A in your diet, you may develop a condition known as night blindness, which results in blurry vision at night. Do you eat a lot of vitamin A-rich foods like leafy greens, orange veggies, milk, and eggs? If not, consider having a blood test conducted to see if you're low in vitamin A. If you are indeed deficient in this nutrient, taking a supplement should restore your levels and help bring your vision back to normal.


Cataracts form when the lens of the eye becomes cloudy. They cause your vision to become progressively blurrier overtime. Sometimes, patients only notice the blurriness at night initially – but as the cataracts progress, blurriness during the day becomes more apparent. If you are approaching retirement age, suffer from diabetes, are a heavy drinker, have a family history of cataracts, smoke, or have high blood pressure, you're at an increased risk of cataracts. Your eye doctor can conduct a few simple tests to diagnose you. If you are diagnosed, treatment will involve taking medications to slow the progression of the cataracts and eventually having them surgically removed to restore your vision.

If your vision seems unusually blurry in the evening, don't ignore this symptom. Consider the possible causes above, and consult with your eye doctor to get to the bottom of the issue. Contact a doctor, such as Dr Ron Sealock, for more information.   
